Start of season Updates.
All the W’s
I’m not really a subscriber to the practice of putting the garden “to bed” for the winter, chopping it all down and forgetting about it until Spring bank holiday. This is not the way plants naturally deal with the seasons…
An Old Friend
Now that we’re in #NoMowMay I have been wondering what to do with the 30 minutes or so I’m saving every time I don’t mow the back lawn?
Wetlands & Sharks
In the UK we have around 13% of global peatlands, and 70% of our water quality and supply relies on upland Blanket Bogs. Due to drainage for agriculture or extraction only 20% of our upland peatlands, and only 10% of lowland raised bogs are now in good to untouched condition. It will take 1000’s of years for meaningful recovery.
From Genesis to Phenology…
But first…. This post is being left for the bots to aim at! Please refer to Re-Genesis for more recent updates and the original copy.
Welcome to our very first blog post on our new website. Firstly, a huge thank you and a shout out to Jen Weaver without who's design skills and support this would not be happening. If you have need of similar digital design services you can find her here. The initial...