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Welcome to our very first blog post on our new website.

Firstly, a huge thank you and a shout out to Jen Weaver without who’s design skills and support this would not be happening. If you have need of similar digital design services you can find her here.

The initial build of the site is now almost complete, once I’ve created a few blog posts to head up the categories that I think I’ll be using it will be ready to set free in the wild. Over the winter I will be adding a resource & reference section, and i’ll be collating all the plant info and bringing it all over here from our Facebook page before plant fairs start in the spring. (🤞)

What might you expect from here in the future?

Probably most importantly this is where i will be first announcing Bookings at events before i create the FB events. Invitations are coming in now and bookings should start to be confirmed by the new year. Those i will endeavour to keep up to date, other things might be a bit sporadic as things pick up going in to the season. Other subjects i hope to be able to tackle are; new plant introductions to our range; wildlife on and around the nursery; the family veg plots successes, failures, tips and glut busting recipes; general horticulturally relevant news and info; thoughts on ecology and how it relates to gardening and possibly more.



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