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Downloadable Resources

Welcome to the Crosby Holme Downloadable Resource Library.



PDF catalogues generated via Plant Heritages Persephone Database. Viewable online & downloadable. When fully populated there will be three iterations here, two for the current year, full taxa list and availability list; and one full taxa list for the previous year. Updates will be made prior to plant fairs commencing.

2025 Full Taxa List

Full list of taxa grown at time of publication. Will be correct when published but probably out of date within a month!

2025 Availability List

List of Taxa we expect to be available at the commencement of the above years events. Will not be updated throughout the season, see our Plants page for more accurate. Plants not “in season” at the time of an event may not be taken, If you think that may be the case please Contact me.

2024 Full Taxa List

Full list of taxa grown at time of publication. Was correct when published but almost certainly out of date now!


While we don’t sell vegetable produce, we do grow as much fruit & veg as we can fit in to feed the family. Like our perennials our fruit & veg are peat and pesticide free, organic and minimum tillage. With an eye on food security and potential zombie apocalypses we constantly experiment with new local, heritage & perennial varieties. Where perennials prove reliable we look to make them available within our Plants collection as time & space allow.

The files here are mainly Excel spreadsheets that have been developed over time to aid in the management of our, often home saved, seed stock and the successional sowing that ensures the best availabiity of fresh produce as well as easing the scale of preservation sessions.  If you can use these resourses…Great!, if you can improve them do let us know.

Seed Stock Manager

Excel workbook for managing seed stock and ordering requirements. Includes pages for Explanatory Notes, Organiser cards for physical seed, Rotation categories, Seed viability durations & Seed Stock. Stock sheet is prepopulated for example content

Seed Sowing Scheduler

Excel workbook for managing veg  seed sowing for successional cropping set out in relation to Average Last Frost dates. This has been developed over a dozen + years and still gets the occasional tweak, linked file will be the current version. Includes pages giving the development reasons, data sources & process so it is configurable for any location with the information included. Other sheets give “master lines” for the veg we’ve tried and determined the best sowing intervals for us, and a worked example of the sheet we’ll use this year. We copy out the working sheet each year and keep a record copy so we can adjust for our location.
